'If You Got It Flaunt It!' ..Flaunting Dad
Created by Joanne 15 years ago
Hail the Huntsmen!
‘Twas on the edge of Perrins Wood,
This sight beheld my eye,
As I very quietly stood,
A fox came limping by.
His ragged coat a golden brown,
He fought to catch his breath,
On his side he lay down,
The fox was close to death.
He tried to lick his bloody paws,
He tried to ease his pain,
His swollen tongue hung from his jaws,
Alas he tried in vain.
He raised his head and looked my way.
He blinked his frightened eyes,
They’re almost here – they seemed to say,
We heard the hunters’ cries.
Across the dell I quickly sped,
As pity filled my heart,
Kneeling by the creatures head,
Prepared to do my part.
The hounds they came, they smelled the blood,
They were ready for a feast,
In my hand a lump of wood,
To save the stricken beast.
The huntsmen rode into the dell,
As I kept the hounds at bay,
From my throat a mighty yell,
Turned the hounds away.
The huntsmen had assembled round,
I caught the master’s eye,
‘Twas then I heard an awful sound,
The fox began to die.
The master said the kill was fair,
A great days sport was done,
Three and thirty hounds were they,
The fox was only one.